About This Project

Gabriela Araújo


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Illustrator and motion designer, caught between existential crises and everyday thoughts. Gabriela has a yellow bicycle she borrowed from her grandfather. She is a vegetarian who eats a lot of cereals. She also believes that the answer to happiness is a good laugh. Meanwhile, she draws.



As a Lindy-hop and blues dancer, I often work on what is means to dance, and how it feels. It’s not just a few learned steps. Dancing and all that comes with it – the social connection, the friends, the community – completely changed my life. Also, it helped me to accept my body and to express myself, and to loose the shame of showing it in public. Although I’m still on that process, this evolution echoed to all other fields of my life, and I feel I’m stronger woman now. I therefore owe to dance a lot of that personal development. This illustration was made having all that in mind. Also, it aims to express the tiny moment during a dance when, for a split second, all is working and the energy between the two persons is tuned. It’s the “breathing in”, before the next move.